Great to see you guys!!
My name is Yoshihiko Wada, a Japanese fine-art photographer.
I love long exposure photography, panorama, and black and white.
Bridges, Junctions, my favorite. Anyway I love huge architectures.
Probably you’ve already known me and my pictures, so I’ll skip a long introduction.
Why renew the site?
My fast web site was mainly for having my own gallery.
However, the new site is for:
making people love much more Fine-Art style architecture photography.
This genres’ popularity has grown up since dear Juel and Julia started※ to the genre with
their beautiful B&W photos, excellent skill set and having many workshops.
※ I don’t want to argue who is the starter of the genre.
When you want to learn the Black and White “Fine-Art” architectures style,
the two are definitely the person you should visit first and fast.
Still, surprisingly, some people ask me to give them some tutorials.
Since, I think, I don’t use any special technique for my photography, and
there are a lot of great tutorials already in web and Youtube.
I also learned every technique from those free tutorials
You can learn anything from that too.
However, I know ,It’ll take some time to find what tutorials and blog you are looking for.
So here I am. I can help you with my experiences for finart architectural photography.
I’ll focus on my new web site to share with my knowledge and technique, and introducing useful web site, video, blog, which I’ve also learned from. Also I’ll make by myself.
Then I set the web’s catch copy is “Make your Vision“
I will open all my knowledge.I won’t hide anything.
New Gallery
For proving that I set the new Gallery with UHD (4k) my images.
You can click and zoom for seeing the details. (Please do with PC)
The resolution of the picture is much bigger than any my “past-shared” photos in any service.
Please see all the details, sharpness, tiny buildings,which you could not seen with low resolution images before.
Please take some thing from it for making your own pictures.
Forgive me, the gallery is still under construction.
I’ll adding my pictures, including past works and the new works, gradually.
Mobile friendly
I want to make the site much mobile friendly.
So I avoid fancy animation, and make it simple as much as possible.
I always keep my mind for making the site for the smart phone viewers, but
If you have trouble seeing my site, please tell me.
Though, I recommend to see my site with a bigger screen.
I’ll show my workflow
People can easily understand post processing with seeing what I do.
Then I’ll post my workflow with my ongoing-work step by step.
Even I don’t know how the end result of B&W image will come to the end.
So let’s enjoy seeing my workflow together.
Online lesson
I’ll keep post my tips and skill constantly.
Only you need to do is just waiting for my up coming posts.
But if you want to learn much faster, I’m thinking for having some online lessons for them.
I did not settle the detail yet, but before that please tell me what you want to know from me.
- what you want to know
- What do you think of online lesson. Are you curious?
- Anything your request for my new web site.
Keep safe
So please keep safe and stay home as much as possible.
This is the toughest moment, though we have much time for learning something new.
Yoshihiko Wada