postmortem The Picture of Month: Crack in the Sky Wow, Its December! Thesedays I try to publish my image once a month.In this blog, I reveal some Raw data and information behind the image. 2023.12.10 postmortem
postmortem Behind the scenes: The blast at North Let's look the behind scene of Yoshihiko's recent image. You can find some interesting story, raw and other interesting fact. 2022.10.14 postmortem
postmortem Behind the scenes: Age of the Steel Let's look back to Yoshihiko Wada's favorite images with a lot of materials and raw images. 2022.03.11 postmortem
panorama Recommendation for Panorama photography : Introduction I've been shooting panorama photography from 2015, and I could achieve some good images with that technique.I'll give some tips and thought for all who haven't tried "panorama photography" yet.This is the introduction for my upcoming the new workflow dedicated for "panorama photography" 2021.10.10 panoramaTIPSworkflow
panorama Behind the scenes: Underlines -Ⅷ- Tips, prototypes and videos! a lot of hidden materials from my newly long exposure-panorama series "The Under-Lines"Please check it out! 2021.10.03 panoramaTIPSworkflow