

YW’s workflow :Day5

Caution! today's work flow is boring. So please listen your favorite music, if you try to read my post. Name areas where you're going to edit, otherwise you'd get lost in your picture. I hate making masks, but it's necessary process. So let's get started.

YW’s workflow :Day4

Making a -high contrast black and white fine art pictures- is not so difficult. There are different method with different artist. I'll just let you know my way for your reference. Let's get started workflow "day4".

Take the Time

Sorry for saying that but there's no short cut for fin art photography. It'll take time, actually. The good thing is that the more take your time, more the your image going to beautiful. Here is an example from my recent work "Dark Tower".

YW’s workflow :Day3

Having a clear direction is important for the BW fin art style post process. Let's make a blue print before building your house.

YW’s workflow :Day2

YW’s workflow Day2: After having pictures for panorama, let's start merge them. I introduce my usual workflow to make a panorama image, After this, black and white process will start.

YW’ workflow :Day1

As I said the introduction, let's see my workflow step by step.Day 1 start with, of course, capturing images. Informatio...


I'll show you my workflow Each has his or her workflow. Me too. Maybe you're curious about mine.I want to write and show...
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